Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy Plants and Happy News

This Sunday, Pastor Jim announced the joyful news of our garden in all three services at church, and several folks expressed interest in building beds and helping in various areas.

Viv has signed on to be our treasurer, and Kim will be our note taker. Colleen and Russell are pioneering a winter bed, and we have plans to build a compost bed with some donated pallets from our sister garden in Arlington. Thanks, Willie!

You can check here for the latest news, and I'll start putting information in the church newsletter and weekly bulletins. We'll also reach out to our neighborhood association and nearby communities to make this a true community garden.

Also, we have happy news from the TAFB Garden Coordinator, that Tarrant County Public Health is interested in funding a portion of our project. So, please add that to your prayers, that the funding would go through and that we'd see continued support and leadership throughout the process.

Yesterday, I walked our dogs up to church to water the garden. I was able to water the plants with our new, ginormous hoses, and the dogs enjoyed playing in the sunshine. I even saw a dragonfly enjoying our marigolds! I tried to catch a picture, but the dragonfly sort of blends. I promise, he's there.

Also, this week's happy plant award goes to Cauliflower. Doesn't it look pleased to be part of our new garden? (The plant isn't actually upside down, that's just more of my spectacular photography skills.)


  1. The green beans looked pretty happy last night.

  2. Maybe they're hoping to be Happy Plant contenders in next week's running. Watch out, Cauliflower, they've got your number...
