Friday, March 2, 2012

Work Day, Saturday March 3

Hello Gardeners,

I have glorious news: four beautiful dump trucks brought us compost/soil and mulch yesterday and this morning Lowe's brought our cinder blocks and work tools. Hooray!

All this means we can have a work day this Saturday, March 3, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

The work will go like this: the front-end loader will help us level dirt for the beds, we will build the beds with the cinder blocks, and then we fill the beds with our fresh soil using the front-end loader, wheelbarrows and shovels. It will be a big job, but with plenty of volunteers, the work should go smoothly. We will have a volunteer on hand to document service hours, so send any Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or Honor Society students our way and we'll put them to work.

The soil amendments will arrive within a week, the seedling plants should arrive in a couple of weeks, and I have seeds and planting guides for anyone who wants to sow directly.

Here's what to bring:
1. Newspapers and cardboard to line the beds.
2. Work gloves.
3. Cap/hat, sunscreen, water bottle, snacks etc. for your personal convenience.
4. A happy heart.

We'll have three wheelbarrows and some shovels, but if you want to bring your own supplies, feel free. Most of all, please be in prayer that this garden will be done in service and glory to God. Remember, one plants and one waters, but God provides the increase.

Cheers to all, and see you tomorrow in the garden!


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