Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No May-Be about it--May's Successes in the Garden!

Hello All,

 Many thanks to those of you who were able to attend the May 16 service in the garden. We had over 50 people singing and worshiping and fellowshipping in the garden! What a blessing from the Lord! 

Here are some important updates and opportunities:

 1. Donations. We have donated over 54 pounds of produce to the Keller Storehouse in the month of May! Please keep your donations coming--the storehouse is beyond happy to receive our fresh produce on behalf of their clients. I take a trip to the storehouse every Wednesday, so you may drop off your donations at the church or at my house.

 2. Education. Katey Rudd has invited us to the Community Garden Committee meeting this Friday at 1:30p at Southside Community Garden, located at Southside Church of Christ (2101 Hemphill Street, FW 76110.) I will attend, and will bring back my notes. Anyone who would like to join me is welcome. Also, Katey sent me this weblink as a valuable source for our garden--check it out and we can talk about how we can implement some of the tools for our garden. http://www.gardeningmatters.org/coordinating-resources

 3. Gather in the Garden. For those of you who are able, let's meet in the garden this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. to share our gardening successes and concerns, and talk about bugs, fertilization, watering, harvesting, and ideas for future growth. I'll also share feedback from the Southside meeting.

 4. Get Excited: The Local Growing Festival is coming soon: June 23rd! Actually, Public Health wants to honor you all as gardeners and will be giving certificates of appreciation to gardens at the event. We have an opportunity to create a small display for a booth to advertise our garden. Please let me know if you plan to attend. There will be some excellent mini-workshops held by Master Gardeners that day as well. I can't attend as I have a conflict, but I'd love for someone from our garden to represent.

 Thanks again for all your hard work in the garden--it's so fun to watch it all grow!

 Cheers, Britta

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